Minggu, 25 Juli 2010

only one from thousand will survive

In my daily life through environmental activities and wildlife
with the active social activities. One of them by actively
participating in sea turtle conservation program,
especially Leatherback turle; some time ago to protect
the turtle's activity was evidenced by following
the turtle conservation campaign in Kuta Beach, Bali.
Campaign that was held Thursday (16/7/2009)
was carried out by spreading along the 100-meter
banner that read 'only one from thousand will survive.

" very concerned about the turtles since the ancient
sea creatures and unique can be a real adventurer
all his life. "Killing the turtle will have a negative
impact for Wildlife Conservation in the
face of the Earth,"

The campaign is conducted is expected
to further lower perdangan turtle.
Based on the data, the turtle trade practices
have experienced a sharp decline since 1999.
Decline reached 80 percent,
or reached 27 thousand to 30 thousands
of turtles each year. Turtle sales decreased
peak reached 35 thousand head
per year in 2002.

according to; Chairman Pro Fauna Indonesia
Rosek Nur Sahid said the turtle sales
in the year 2008-2009 reached
only 2 thousand tails. Turtle trade
are widely used to meet the needs
of park turtle (turtle park).

In fact, this trade also impersonate
any place conservation.
if the old turtles will be sold or slaughtered
In its place will be taken again
from the natural turtle..


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